Fixed Sliding Window¶
A fixed sliding window is an abstraction that can be used to compute features across a signal using a sliding window. The window size and stride are fixed upon instantiation by the user. This operation can be represented as:
where \(F\) represents a feature extractor function, \(f_{i}\) represents the \(i\)th feature, \(x_{i}\) represents the \(i\)th element of the input signal, \(w\) represents the window size, and \(N\) represents the number of elements in the signal.
Here's a visual illustration of the above:
Overflow can occur when the window extends beyond the bounds of the signal. This can be handled in a number of ways. The default behavior is to pad the signal with zeros. However, we provide several other options for handling overflow.
We provide some examples below on how to combine the fixed sliding window abstraction with feature extractors to compute features across a signal.
Bases: object
Represents a 1D sliding window over a time series signal.
__init__(window_size, step_size, overflow='pad', padding=0)
Initialize a new 1D sliding window.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
window_size | Union[int, int_] | The size of the window. | required |
step_size | Union[int, int_] | The step size of the window. | required |
overflow | str | The method to take when there is an overflow of the window compared to the signal. Default is
| 'pad' |
padding | Union[int, float, int_, float_] | The value to pad the signal with in the case of an overflow. Default is | 0 |
Get the string representation of the sliding window.
Type | Description |
str | The string representation of the sliding window. |
Get the string representation of the sliding window.
Type | Description |
str | The string representation of the sliding window. |
Get the overflow method.
Type | Description |
str | The overflow method. |
Get the overflow methods supported.
Type | Description |
List[str] | A list of supported overflow methods. |
Get the padding value.
Type | Description |
Union[int, float, int_, float_] | The padding value. |
Get the step size.
Type | Description |
Union[int, int_] | The step size. |
Get the window size.
Type | Description |
Union[int, int_] | The window size. |
Set the overflow method.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
overflow | str | The overflow method to set. | required |
Type | Description |
ValueError | If the overflow method is not supported. |
Set the padding value.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
padding | Union[int, float, int_, float_] | The padding value to set. | required |
Set the step size.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
step_size | Union[int, int_] | The step size. | required |
Type | Description |
TypeError | If the step size is not an integer. |
Set the window size.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
window_size | Union[int, int_] | The window size. | required |
Type | Description |
TypeError | If the window size is not an integer. |
Use a transform function to transform each window.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
transform | Callable[[ndarray], Union[float_, int_]] | The transformation to apply to the signal. | required |
Type | Description |
Callable[[ndarray], ndarray] | A function that applies the transformation to the signal using the sliding window. |
Type | Description |
TypeError | If the transform is not callable. |
Problem Setup¶
Consider the following example with signal \(x\), window \(W\) and feature extractor \(F\):
\(t = \left[0, \dots, 10\right]\)
\(x = \sin(2t) + \cos(3t) + \sin(5t) + \cos(7t) + \exp(-t / 5)\)
\(W_{size} = 50\)
\(W_{stride} = 25\)
\(F = \text{mean}\)
import numpy as np
import autonfeat as aft
# Setup the signal
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
signal = np.sin(2 * t) + np.cos(3 * t) + np.sin(5 * t) + np.cos(7 * t) + np.exp(-t / 5)
Setup Sliding Window and Feature Extractor¶
# Setup the sliding window
window_size = 50
step_size = 25
sliding_window = aft.SlidingWindow(window_size=window_size, step_size=step_size)
# Setup the feature extractor
feature_extractor = aft.MeanTransform()
# Get the featurizer object
featurizer = sliding_window.use(feature_extractor)
Extract Features¶
We can view the following operation below:
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