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Lag Transform Preprocessor

This preprocessor computes the lag transform of the input signal. This is shifts the signal elements by some an integer value to a new index. The lag transform is defined as:

\[ x_{t, \tau} = x_{t - \tau} \]

where \(x_{t, \tau}\) is the lag transform of \(x_t\) by some integer amount \(\tau\).

The lag transform is useful for:

  • Identifying periodicity in the signal.
  • Identifying trends in the signal.


  • When the signal is lagged, the first \(\tau\) elements are set to np.nan values. This is because the lag transform is undefined for these elements. Therefore, when being used the user must ensure that these values are handled appropriately.
  • Only arrays of floats are supported. If passed an array of another type, it will be cast to float. If this fails, the function will raise an exception.

Bases: Preprocess

Preprocess the signal by shifting the signal by some delta value.

__call__(signal, lag, where=lambda : not np.isnan(x))

Roll the signal by a lag where where is True. This pads the shifted signal with NaN values.


Name Type Description Default
signal ndarray

The array to roll.

lag Union[int, float, int_, float_]

The lag to apply to the signal.

where Callable[[Union[int, float, int_, float_]], Union[bool, bool_]]

A function that takes a value and returns True or False. Default is lambda x: not np.isnan(x) i.e. a measurement is valid if it is not a NaN value.

lambda : not numpy.isnan(x)


Type Description

The shifted signal.


Consider the following discrete 1D signal:

\[ x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] \]

Transform Signal

import numpy as np
import autonfeat as aft

# Define signal
num_samples = 10
signal = np.arange(1, num_samples + 1)

lag = 2

# Create Preprocessor
preprocessor = aft.preprocess.LagPreprocessor()

# Preprocess and transform signal
transformed_signal = preprocessor(signal, lag=lag)

Visualize Transform

We then visualize the signal and the transformed signal. The transformed signal is shifted by some integer amount \(\tau = 2\). For visualization, we convert any np.nan values to 0.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

transformed_signal = np.nan_to_num(transformed_signal)

# Plot results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot(signal, label='Original Signal')
ax.plot(transformed_signal, label='Lag Transformed Signal')
ax.set_title('Lag Preprocessor')


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