Module auton_survival.models.cph

Deep Cox Proportional Hazards Model




class DeepCoxPH (layers=None, random_seed=0)

A Deep Cox Proportional Hazards model.

This is the main interface to a Deep Cox Proportional Hazards model. A model is instantiated with approporiate set of hyperparameters and fit on numpy arrays consisting of the features, event/censoring times and the event/censoring indicators.

For full details on Deep Cox Proportional Hazards, refer [1], [2].


[1] DeepSurv: personalized treatment recommender system using a Cox proportional hazards deep neural network. BMC medical research methodology (2018)

[2] A neural network model for survival data. Statistics in medicine (1995)


k : int
The number of underlying Cox distributions.
layers : list
A list of integers consisting of the number of neurons in each hidden layer.
random_seed : int
Controls the reproducibility of called functions.


>>> from auton_survival import DeepCoxPH
>>> model = DeepCoxPH()
>>>, t, e)


def fit(self, x, t, e, vsize=0.15, val_data=None, iters=1, learning_rate=0.001, batch_size=100, optimizer='Adam')

This method is used to train an instance of the DSM model.


x : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the input features, x .
t : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring times, t .
e : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \delta . \delta = 1 means the event took place.
vsize : float
Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
val_data : tuple
A tuple of the validation dataset. If passed vsize is ignored.
iters : int
The maximum number of training iterations on the training dataset.
learning_rate : float
The learning rate for the Adam optimizer.
batch_size : int
learning is performed on mini-batches of input data. this parameter specifies the size of each mini-batch.
optimizer : str
The choice of the gradient based optimization method. One of 'Adam', 'RMSProp' or 'SGD'.
def predict_risk(self, x, t=None)
def predict_survival(self, x, t=None)

Returns the estimated survival probability at time t , \widehat{\mathbb{P}}(T > t|X) for some input data x .


x : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the input features, x .
t : list or float
a list or float of the times at which survival probability is to be computed


numpy array of the survival probabilites at each time in t.
class DeepRecurrentCoxPH (layers=None, hidden=None, typ='LSTM', random_seed=0)

A deep recurrent Cox PH model.

This model is based on the paper: Leveraging Deep Representations of Radiology Reports in Survival Analysis for Predicting Heart Failure Patient Mortality. NAACL (2021)


k : int
The number of underlying Cox distributions.
layers : list
A list of integers consisting of the number of neurons in each hidden layer.
random_seed : int

Controls the reproducibility of called functions. Example

>>> from dsm.contrib import DeepRecurrentCoxPH
>>> model = DeepRecurrentCoxPH()
>>>, t, e)


def fit(self, x, t, e, vsize=0.15, val_data=None, iters=1, learning_rate=0.001, batch_size=100, optimizer='Adam')

Inherited from:

This method is used to train an instance of the DSM model.


x : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the input features, x .
t : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring times, t .
e : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \delta . \delta = 1 means the event took place.
vsize : float
Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
val_data : tuple
A tuple of the validation dataset. If passed vsize is ignored.
iters : int
The maximum number of training iterations on the training dataset.
learning_rate : float
The learning rate for the Adam optimizer.
batch_size : int
learning is performed on mini-batches of input data. this parameter specifies the size of each mini-batch.
optimizer : str
The choice of the gradient based optimization method. One of 'Adam', 'RMSProp' or 'SGD'.
def predict_survival(self, x, t=None)

Inherited from: DeepCoxPH.predict_survival

Returns the estimated survival probability at time t , \widehat{\mathbb{P}}(T > t|X) for some input data x .


x : np.ndarray
A numpy array of the input features, x .
t : list or float
a list or float of the times at which survival probability is to be computed


numpy array of the survival probabilites at each time in t.